British Isle Genealogy
 England, Scotland, Ireland, Isle of Man
   Wales, Channel Island, Isle of Wight

The Old Church, Bonchurch

British Isles Genealogy | Isle of Wight

The Old Church, Bonchurch.-In addition to the beautiful situation and the essential loveliness of the subject, Old Bonchurch has many associations of attraction. It is no longer used for services, except an occasional funeral. In the churchyard John Sterling's grave and the grave of the Rev. J. Adams, author of the "Shadow of the Cross," interest a great many visitors, the latter having a raised horizontal cross, which casts a shadow on the stone when the sun shines. The old porch is an object of beauty, crowned with roses and honeysuckle, the red tiled roof relieved with thick masses of ivy, while over it the tall elm-trees stand, as though to shelter it from every stormy blast.

Isle of Wright

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