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However he offered Ernest a job and lodging on the farm. The first job Ernest was given was to drive a horse and a cartload of eggs to the market. That was the last George saw of the horse, cart, eggs and Mr Wilkinson!

Though my mother and her family often said they had lived in a chateau near Malines . His plaque was soon found at Le Panne military graveyard. At the office at the entrance to the cemetery we obtained full documentation of Joseph within these documents were his home address recorded as Heindonk, near Malines.


I already knew from my mother’s marriage certificate that she had lived at Chateau de Bergstein, Heindonk, Malines. These days Malines is found using the Flemish spelling, Mechelen. Their town house was at 20 Louizastraat Malines now part is occupied by. Jan and Karen Willems the house has been divided.

My mother like her father was a fluent linguist being fluent in French, English, Flemish, German and had a knowledge of other languages, She was artistic and a good painter in both oil and water colours she was always using her hands and would make most of the clothes we all wore. My fathers suits were all tailored by her. She was very active, always working on something. After the death of my father she joined the art classes at Farnham, sketching, painting and sculpturing. Mum was good at carpentry in her seventies she entered a competition at the college, which involved her mixing over 2 ton of Concrete for use in a modern sculpture. She won the cup but gave herself a hernia!

Soon after this period she became quite ill. Cancer was suspected but the x-rays were blurred and double imaged! The surgeon could not make them out. When he operated he found there was a growth on her pancreas but he also found Mum had two of these pancreas! He also noticed she had two livers and four kidneys! Mum also had two wombs! It seems she should have been a twin! For her lower half was equipped with two of everything, and on this occasion proved very useful. My mother died on Christmas day 1976 Some years later we found our own daughter Clare seems to have inherited this strange supply of spare bady organs.

For after she had had her two boys she had a miscarriage with her third pregnancy when in hospital she was cleaned up and returned home only to become ill again when they found she had a second womb which had been overlooked and needed washing out too! I suspect I have something similar perhaps 4 kidneys! when I suffered from a liver infection some years back I needed x-rays and was told they had noticed I had 4 connections to my kidneys the x-ray.



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